Camping Gear Outlet

Summer SALE ends 09/15/24!  $10 off your next purchase of $100 or more.  Code:  24SUMMER

9% OFF Availability: In Stock

Cmi Rescue Swivel

SKU: 435751

Original price was: $128.05.Current price is: $116.10.

Cmi Rescue Swivel

2 in stock


CMI’s latest development, our Rescue Swivel, helps to eliminate twisting in critical lines due to load rotation. Its 9000lb (40kN) MBS gives you piece of mind when moving the heaviest of loads, and its sealed ball bearing will keep it operating smoothly for years. NFPA Compliant.

Additional information

Weight0.30 lbs


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You're viewing: Cmi Rescue Swivel Original price was: $128.05.Current price is: $116.10.
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