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Summer SALE ends 10/15/24!  $10 off your next purchase of $100 or more.  Code:  24FALL

Availability: In Stock

Coleman #11 Mantle 2pk

SKU: 11A102C


Coleman Model #11 String Tie Lantern Mantles.  2-Pack of #11 Replacement Mantles for Fueled Coleman Lanterns.  Fits models 206, 236, 237, 333, 55, 621, 625, 635, 639

185 in stock


Coleman Model #11 String Tie Lantern Mantles.  2-Pack of #11 Replacement Mantles for Fueled Coleman Lanterns.  Fits models 206, 236, 237, 333, 55, 621, 625, 635, 639

Additional information

Weight0.01 lbs


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