Camping Gear Outlet

Summer SALE ends 10/15/24!  $10 off your next purchase of $100 or more.  Code:  24FALL

Availability: In Stock

Rome Industries Grill – 24″ x 12 1/2″ w/ 12″ Legs

SKU: 124


Rome Industries Grill – 24″ x 12 1/2″ w/ 12″ Legs

10 in stock



Four heavy-duty support bars hold cook sets, pots and pans without warping. Crossbars are spaced close for cooking hamburgers, hot dogs, etc… directly on the grill. Permanently attached and rigidly braced legs fold flat for storage.

24″ x 12«” surface, 12″ legs. chromeplated steel

Additional information

Weight5.00 lbs


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