Camping Gear Outlet

National Wildlife Federation’s Land Tawney Discusses How Conservation Issues Affect the Casual Camper

Land Tawney, a fifth generation Montanan, learned his conservation ethics through his own experiences in the outdoors. Spending time in duck blinds in Montana’s Bitterroot Valley and catching trout in the Big Hole River fostered an appreciation for and understanding of the environment. In 2004, Land brought that knowledge to the National Wildlife Federation when […]

“Before They’re Gone:” A Family’s Yearlong Odyssey to America’s Disappearing National Parks

It’s an old cliché that teens let parental advice fall on deaf ears. Parents often encourage their kids to do something or appreciate something “before it’s too late.” Only years later, after having their own learning experiences, do those teens realize the sensibility behind their parents’ words. As the Northwest Editor of Backpacker Magazine, Michael […]