Camping Gear Outlet

Ground Rules for Respecting Nature

There is no garbage pickup in the wilderness; you’ll have to “pack out” most of whatever garbage you bring in. Bring plastic garbage bags for the purpose. Small sealable sandwich bags are useful for storing small amounts of garbage. In other words, expect to be a pack horse for your trash. When I was young, […]

Tips For Low Impact Camping

Written by Timothy Martinez Jr. An exciting camping trip in the wilderness can leave a permanent impression on a person, but a person should never leave a permanent impression in the wilderness. That’s why it’s important to preserve the natural environment by engaging in low impact camping. Here are some tips on how to make […]

National Wildlife Federation’s Land Tawney Discusses How Conservation Issues Affect the Casual Camper

Land Tawney, a fifth generation Montanan, learned his conservation ethics through his own experiences in the outdoors. Spending time in duck blinds in Montana’s Bitterroot Valley and catching trout in the Big Hole River fostered an appreciation for and understanding of the environment. In 2004, Land brought that knowledge to the National Wildlife Federation when […]

Why Illegal Camping Matters

by Liz Childers The Occupy movement brought the problem of illegal camping came to the forefront of the public eye. Visitors to cities such as Whistler, British Columbia and St. Petersburg, Florida have seen how this awareness has trickled down to the more traditional form of camping. The most infamous incident occurred two weeks ago […]