Camping Gear Outlet

Poison Ivy & Camping

Written by Timothy Martinez Jr. Poison ivy is found across much of North America and can be a nuisance for hikers and campers. The following is information about the appearance, effects and treatment of poison ivy everyone should know. Just the name of poison ivy can strike fear into the most experienced camper. It’s oil […]

Camping Safety

Safety on the trail has much to do with whether adventurers are traveling solo. Safety while camping has much to do with whether adventurers are traveling solo. If traveling solo, women need to take the same precautions as men, but maybe a few more too. As mentioned earlier, traces of man’s encroachment on nature will […]

How To Handle a Bear Encounter

Written by Dan Lawton One of the biggest fears many campers have is coming face-to-face with a bear. Although bears are frequent guests in many campgrounds, they are rarely aggressive toward humans. One of the biggest fears many campers have is coming face-to-face with a bear. Although bears are frequent guests in many campgrounds, they […]

Camping Alone

Written by Dan Lawton Considering camping alone? For many campers, solitude is one of the key ingredients to the camping experience. In this article, learn how to enjoy camping solo. I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not […]

How to Prepare for a Hurricane

Written by Dan Lawton A hurricane is a traumatic event that can have a catastrophic effect on you and your family. Learn how to prepare yourself by purchasing cots, blankets, MRE’s and other supplies ahead of time. In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, hurricane preparedness has become a priority for states, cities and families across […]

Tips For Camping In A Thunderstorm

Written by Timothy Martinez Jr. Thunderstorms can appear unexpectedly, so it’s important to know what to do in these potentially dangerous situations. Here is some advice on how to handle a thunderstorm while camping. You’re enjoying a relaxing camping trip beneath the open sky and all of a sudden a massive thunderstorm appears on the […]