Camping Gear Outlet

Dutch Oven Pizza for Camping

by Liz Childers

I’ve always wanted to serve someone a plate of artichokes, crumbled hamburger meat, and a ball of mozzarella with a side of bread sticks. I fully expect confusion and wouldn’t be surprised by a look of disgust.

That’s why pizza is such a sneaky dish. It gives you a way to throw your favorite foods on top of mounds of cheese and savory sauce and bread. And it’s a completely acceptable dinner.

I’ve never met a pizza I didn’t like. I’m pretty sure it’s due to that wily personality it keeps. I actually throw in my favorite ingredients and they always works together because it’s on a pizza. Fried egg and Mexican chorizo? Done that. Brie and caramelized onions? Yep.

Because I’m also convinced that food always taste better outside, I wanted to perfect a Dutch oven pizza for camping. Even thought I was inside at the stove, I chose simple ingredients that I’d be willing to pack in my cooler on a camping trip. The Dutch oven cooked the pizza perfectly and it made for incredibly easy cleanup. This will be a winner on my next camping trip.

Spicy Sausage Dutch Oven Pizza
Serves 2

I recommend 375° for this recipe. With my 10” Dutch oven, this would require 16 briquettes on the lid and 5 underneath.

For the sauce, I used a can of diced tomatoes and added dried thyme, oregano, and red pepper flakes to taste. If you want a smooth sauce, choose crushed tomatoes. I went with diced so there would be actual chunks of tomato on the pizza, since I probably would not carry tomatoes on a camping trip. Unsure of how to take spices camping? Try daily pill bottles or use straws and seal the ends with a lighter.

The crust was store-bought and cut down to fit in the Dutch oven. I left a tiny bit extra on all sides so it would fold up in the oven and make a crust.

1 store-bought pizza crust, cut to fit your Dutch oven
½ lbs. smoked sausage
Shredded mozzarella cheese
1 can diced tomatoes (14 oz.), partially drained
Oregano, to taste
Thyme, to taste
Red pepper flakes, to taste

Cut the sausage into bite-sized pieces, and cook in the Dutch oven. When done, reserve.

While the sausage cooks, mix the tomatoes and spices in a small bowl.

Fit the dough into the bottom of the Dutch oven. Spoon the sauce evenly on the dough and top with cheese. Add the cooked sausage. Replace the lid and cook until cheese has melted. You should have a perfectly ready, easy to eat Dutch oven pizza.