Camping Gear Outlet

Ever Give Hammock Camping a Try?

Campers have all sorts of different ideas about the best way to get their rest in the great outdoors.  However, few are more unique than hammock camping, where campers sleep suspended in the trees.

This tactic will be on display en masse this week in Osceola State Park in Florida, where a group of hammock campers will converge for the world-renowned Hang Out.  The loosely-organized group has expectations for approximately 50 hammock campers to meet, share tactics and simply hang.

According to organizer Phi Levy, most hammock campers are backpackers who are attracted to hammock camping because of the way it cuts down on weight during camping.  Levy, who is one of the group’s unofficial organizers, said the technique also has other benefits.

“You’re off the ground, so it’s drier and you won’t wake up with a snake cuddled up against you or have a cypress root in your back all night,” Levy said.

Most camping hammocks are made from strong synthetic fibers and only weigh a few ounces.  They can be easily stretched across the branches of a tree making for a comfortable night’s sleep.

What do you think?  Would you ever consider giving hammock camping a try


  1. Am currently looking at Hennessey Hammocks. I already own an Eno, but it’s to heavy for backpacking. I have not slept in one yet. But plan on it soon.

  2. It is an extremely interesting concept. And one I shall investigate further, for such as those one man weekend get-aways when I don’t wish to pack out the entire family and a 3 room dome tent.

  3. I have just started using a Hammock…. Never will I sleep in a tent again. Just look around you if you are concerned about not having a place to put it up…more trees than flat campsites.

  4. Hammock and tarp are the way to go…lightweight! Plus if you are camping to be in nature..why would you put up walls between it and you? 🙂

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