by Timothy Martinez Jr.

Here are your choices: a costly vacation to an exotic location in another country or an inexpensive trip to the local campgrounds?
While in the past, most people might have opted for the former, the cheap trip to a local campground is becoming the more appealing option.
According to an article in the Morning Sun, camping is on the rise as more people are deciding to stay closer to home due to high gas prices.
Although this article was focused on people staying closer to home instead of going on far road trips, it’s not unimaginable that more people are deciding to camp rather than taking expensive vacations abroad or even to other states. Not only is gas expensive, but flights also put quite a dent in your pocketbook.
Camping on the other hand is far cheaper, especially if you already have all the gear. Simply load up the family in your car, head over to a nearby campground, pitch the tent and enjoy your relaxing vacation a short drive from home.
The great thing about camping that most people don’t realize is that there are so many fun adventures waiting at local parks. A camping trip makes you feel like you’re getting away from the hustle and bustle of your daily life, but doesn’t require going very far.
In fact, a quick search through the KOA Campground website or the government website, yields a vast range of campgrounds.
So, the next time your kids or spouse demands a fun vacation away from home, tell them you’ll take them on an exciting vacation they’ll never forget… a camping trip!