Camping Gear Outlet

And the winner is…

by Liz Childers

“Congratulations to Shelley K. Morgan, who was randomly selected as the winner of our 6 person tent! In the winning photo, her kids have constructed a travois to pull their camping gear through the snow for winter camping.

Travois were primarily used by the Plains Native Americans to drag loads over snow. Although infrequently used anymore, the Boy Scouts are still taught how to build one, typically so they can carry hurt Scouts. In knowing how to construct a travois, Shelley’s kids have a great skill!

26 of you sent in pictures for this contest, and we want to think each of you for the great thing you’re doing: taking kids camping! Whether in Scouts or just as a family activity, camping is a wonderful way to teach children life skills and help them develop a love of the outdoors. Thank you for sharing your pictures with the Camping Gear Outlet and Lost in the Woods community!

We have created a Facebook photo album entitled “Scouting Skills Pictures” so you can easily view all of the fabulous pictures we received over the last two weeks. Go check it out!”