Camping Gear Outlet

Camping Gear Reference Card

A quick-reference guide to everything you need to bring on your next camping trip. General Clothing Checklist Windproof/waterproof shell Synthetic Shirt (wool sweater or synthetic like fleece) Underwear Hat, Bandana, or Cap Head Netting (can be included as part of cap) Hiking Boots Synthetic, Wool, or Silk Long Underwear (if cold weather) Quick-Drying Synthetic Pants […]

Luxury Camping

There are easy ways to make your camping trip more luxurious.  Conventional wisdom holds that camping with a tent means an automatic rise in the discomfort quotient.  Not true! The object of any camping and hiking trip is to explore the wilderness and natural world. Modern materials and camping gear have been designed to make […]

Camping Checklist

Make a camping list and check it twice. Expect that something will be forgotten, and try to improvise.  Don’t get stressed if you’re packing and it’s your first time out. As with any other vacation, the key to remembering the items you need to take along is to make lists. Tailor your list to your […]

How To Avoid Bugs While Camping

Written by Timothy Martinez Jr. Mosquitoes, ants, gnats, ticks and other annoying bugs are sometimes a major nuisance while camping. Here are some things you can do to prevent bugs from ruining your camping trip. Nothing ruins a camping trip faster than an invasion of flies, mosquitoes, ants and other annoying bugs. Not only are […]

How to Prepare for a Hurricane

Written by Dan Lawton A hurricane is a traumatic event that can have a catastrophic effect on you and your family. Learn how to prepare yourself by purchasing cots, blankets, MRE’s and other supplies ahead of time. In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, hurricane preparedness has become a priority for states, cities and families across […]

How to Camp Light

Written by Dan Lawton Camping light can make any camping trip much more pleasurable. Here are some keys to reducing the weight of your pack for your next camping trip. If you’re heading out for a week’s vacation to the beach, you can pack a few extra swimsuits in a suitcase and not stress the […]