Written by Steven Musumeche

Using A Vehicle To Get To Your Camping Site

The family car is usually called into service as a camping caravan. Depending on the size of the vehicle, and number of campers going along for the ride, you may need to add car racks for such camping gear items as bicycles, canoes and kayaks, packs, and so on. Several manufacturers offer racking systems exactly for this reason, and they can be adapted to carry everything from skis to rowboats.

Backpacks are another matter, and they can take up a full seat by themselves when fully packed. You might want to consider renting a bigger vehicle if your car doesn’t look like it’s going to fit everyone and everything. Minivans are ideal for camping excursions simply because they’re so roomy—but be sure to reserve as far in advance as possible. In peak vacation periods, minivans for rent may be hard to come by on short notice. Of course, if camping is your thing and you get more bold, a four-wheel drive may be in the cards. These vehicles can plow through mud and uneven terrain with ease, and you can feel like you’re on safari.

Using A Plane, Train, or Automobile To Get To Your Camping Site

In most cases you’ll have to figure out how to get to your camping destination yourself. The weekend camper or hiker probably has a car, or is able to rent one fairly easily. Those without the luxury of automobiles will have to rely on buses and railroads to get them to their location—or at least close enough to it that a taxi or shuttle of some sort can be arranged.

In most cases, you can hire a taxi (whether official or not) at a rural terminal with some degree of ease. If no taxi is readily available there, ask at a local store or gas station to see whether anyone can offer such a service. As long as you display a little politeness, someone is bound to oblige.