Camping Gear Outlet

Camping Backpack Buying Guide

Written by Timothy Martinez Jr. Purchasing a camping backpack can be intimidating. Not only are there hordes of different models to choose from, but there is also a big range in prices. Here are some tips for picking out the right camping backpack. Buying a camping backpack is not always a walk in the park […]

Camping Alone

Written by Dan Lawton Considering camping alone? For many campers, solitude is one of the key ingredients to the camping experience. In this article, learn how to enjoy camping solo. I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not […]

How to pick a good campsite

Written by Dan Lawton Picking a good campsite is one of the most important components of a fun camping trip. There are a number of variables that factor into whether or not you will have a successful camping trip, but none is more important than the campsite. Picking a good spot to pitch your tent […]

5 ways to make camping romantic

Written by Dan Lawton Looking to add romance to your camping trip? Here are five tips for making your camping excursion a passionate one. Camping has many functions. It can be a break from the monotony of urban life, a reminder of the peacefulness of nature, or even a test of survival skills. But, there’s […]

How To Handle a Bear Encounter

Written by Dan Lawton One of the biggest fears many campers have is coming face-to-face with a bear. Although bears are frequent guests in many campgrounds, they are rarely aggressive toward humans. One of the biggest fears many campers have is coming face-to-face with a bear. Although bears are frequent guests in many campgrounds, they […]

How to Pick a Sleeping Bag

Written by Steven Musumeche At Camping Gear Outlet, we believe the process of buying a sleeping bag should be as smooth as velvet, which is why we’ve created this easy guide to help you find the sleeping bag that fits your needs. Buying a sleeping bag shouldn’t be hard, but many campers are often confused […]

Cold Weather Camping

Written by Steven Musumeche Spring and fall ushers in all kinds of weather. Be prepared to handle rain and colder weather, particularly at night. In the summer, almost any sleeping bag will do, but in spring and fall, you’ll need a sleeping bag designed to keep you extra toasty and warm. Such super-duper sleeping bags […]

Guided Camping Trips

Written by Steven Musumeche For first-time adventurers (or those not especially confident about taking off on a camping trip by themselves the first time), going with a guide may be the best way. A guided excursion may be ideal for the single adventurer who is uncomfortable with the idea of the outdoors or doesn’t have […]